Saturday, 15 May 2010

Circumstances - 2.7

I have found that my equipment is quite limited to take portraiture shots outside of college. I have three lenses for my camera, so emulating some of the images I have been inspired by out on location rather than in the studio is a no go. I could borrow the lighting equipment which Steve has shown us how to use but has to be booked out. I work in London during the week so have found it quite hard to keep up with the written work, working long hours up to 18hrs a day.

I thoroughly enjoy the practical side of the course which is why I enrolled and although I fully appreciate I need to research techniques and photographers the written side of the course can be a little overwhelming fitting in with life in general.

It would be quite nice to have more experience working in a studio other than the college studio. I have been speaking to other students and will hopefully get some location experience shooting weddings in June 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Natalie, I hope your well and snapping away! As you have guessed I withdrew from the course after I felt I did not learn anything that i could not do at home. I did send an e-mail to Steve at college on the 30th March regarding my concerns about the lack of structured teaching (added to my blog) but no response from steve?

    I hope you and the rest of the class is doing well and I will keep my blog going and link to my picasa web album any shots I take. I hope that we all can get together sometime and catch up. Take care Roland
